Install Vterm in Chromebook

Hello everyone! This is a short post, I just wanted to talk about how I installed vterm for emacs inside my chromebook, it was quite a simple process.

I’ll assume you already have access to the Linux terminal in ChromeOS, and also you have Emacs installed, if you need help with that please go here.

Now, you’ll need to install some dependencies in order to compile vterm inside emacs, install them with apt:

sudo apt install libtool libvterm-dev cmake

After they’re installed you can go ahead and add vterm to Emacs using your package manager of choice, I like use-package so I did it like this:

(use-package vterm)

Emacs is going to prompt you asking if you want to compile vterm, say yes. My chromebook is not powerful at all, and I was able to compile it in less than 5 minutes.

I also included a keybind on my emacs config file so I can open vterm quickly any time I need it:

(global-set-key "\C-cs" 'vterm)

And that’s basically it, vterm should be up and running by now, very cool.

Now the mandatory screenshot:

My Emacs config running in a Chromebook

By the way, if you want my emacs config, it’s available in my GitHub.

Thanks for reading! 🍎

Last modified on 2024-02-08