Liquidprompt Hello everyone! 🥸 So… I got tired of creating thousands of bash prompts all the time, losing them because I suck at making backups, and having to start all over again! So I decided to go with something that could be pretty cool out of the box. I stumbled upon liquidprompt, a bash prompt that comes pre configured for extensive usage. It includes git branch (I have a tutorial on how to do that on bash btw, you can see it here), a cool directory shortening feature (that can also be enabled from bash for your regular bash prompts, I’m just too lazy to activate that all the time) and nice colors for exit codes and much much more.
Install Vterm in Chromebook
Hello everyone! This is a short post, I just wanted to talk about how I installed vterm for emacs inside my chromebook, it was quite a simple process. I’ll assume you already have access to the Linux terminal in ChromeOS, and also you have Emacs installed, if you need help with that please go here. Now, you’ll need to install some dependencies in order to compile vterm inside emacs, install them with apt:
My Conky Config
Hello everyone! 🤓 On this post I just wanted to talk about conky, this is a system monitor that you can customize and extend however you like, you have all the power of lua at your fingertips (I’m not a lua programmer tho). My system information is pretty bare bones and simple, it’s only one file. To install my configuration you can clone it from my GitHub page and move the conky.
Show git branch in bash prompt
Hello everyone! This is a small guide on how to add the branch name to your bash prompt. First you’ll need to open up the bash configuration file, usually that’s ~/.bashrc. Then create the following function inside that file: function getGitBranch { [ -d .git ] && git name-rev --name-only @ } And then the only thing you need to do is execute that function inside of your bash prompt, this is how I do it:
Basic Website With Hugo
Hello! 🤓️ I’m writing this as notes for myself, so I can remember how to write and publish this blog using hugo + google firebase. Clone my blog repo My website repository is uploaded to as a private repo. I would clone it using the following command: git clone --recurse-submodules [URL] That will clone the entire thing to my local computer, including the “Diary” theme which is the one I use for my blog.
Use Doas With Paru
🤓️ Hello everyone, here’s how to tell PARU to use DOAS instead of SUDO. Step 1: Install Doas Make sure doas is installed, depending on your distribution you should find it on the repositories. Here are some examples for popular distros: Ubuntu / Debian sudo apt install doas Fedora / CentOS sudo dnf install opendoas Arch / Manjaro sudo pacman -S opendoas Step 2: Allow wheel group to use Doas Now let’s make sure we can actually use doas to execute commands with high privileges, let’s edit /etc/doas.